
Enrique Jardiel Poncela | the Poet. Four Poems Chosen - Love Quotes Blog

Enrique Jardiel Poncela, the Poet.

Enrique Jardiel Poncela was born a day like today in Madrid. Known primarily as a playwright, he also cultivated poetry with a humorous touch similar to the one he used in his most popular theatrical comedies. So to remember, I have chosen 4 of his poems.

Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Journalist like his father, Jardiel Poncela worked and collaborated in media such as El Imparcial or La Acción in addition to publishing in the magazine Buen Humor. But from 1923 he decided to devote himself fully to literature and theater. He also published novels such as The man whom Alejandra loved or Love is written without an ax.
But without a doubt his successes were with theatrical comedies like You have eyes of a fatal woman, A round-trip husband, Eloísa is under an almond tree or The thieves are honest people. He also received the National Theater Award. He died at age 51 of a laryngeal cancer.
However, its less known facet is that of a poet and these are:
4 poems chosen

For the brief it is ... the time of a respite;
a lightning bolt; the crossing of a star;
a blink an enjoyment; a twinkle;
a germination; a kiss; one shot;
a chest a toast; a sigh;
a flower in a bucaro; a print;
a friendship; the beauty of a beautiful;
a promise; exit; I admire you !;
a becoming a secret public;
moving from corpse to skeleton;
a shipwreck; a rubric; a haze;
a blush; a twilight; a business;
an eclipse; a wedding; A yes; a foam;

one Love; a bliss ... and a sonnet.



Oh! Destination, you laugh the rhythm of my life!
Oh! Destination, you set the tone for my existence!
They say I speak in a hurry, cursed quality,
which makes the listener waste time and patience.
Why don't you give me the necessary calm
What did St. Louis, Saint Job and Arcadio have?
Don't you see that I am playing life in the opposite direction
every time I have a radio conference?
I, who would like to speak clearly from heaven,
Apparently, I'm being an ace on the camel,
and, as usual in this class of aces,
I deserve and say the end of the sentences.
Give me clarity in pronunciation
every time I have to act on the broadcast,
and if not clarity to excite laughter,
Tell me at least the cause of why I speak quickly.


"He is the king of the sainete," he whispers as he passes by,
and he passes - long and tall - without hearing or looking,
and does not look or hear because he lives in height.
(Note that he is two meters tall.)
The actors, the day he calls to summon them
to a "new reading", they are happy ipso facto,
and they hug, shouting: "Don Carlos is going to read today!"
while the Company groans: "It will only bring an act!"
Write little and good. If it is right it is a mine:
Run the gold at the box office in the form of a hundred full.
But when he makes a mistake, a sarracina is armed
of four thousand two hundred and eighty Saracens.
"This man laughs soul!" —I have always heard
by occupying my site on premiere nights.
"This man laughs at the soul." The soul laughs ... Well!
Must laugh at his soul, because the face, no.


Paris ... Paris! Voilà Paris!
Blue asphalt and gray sky
that vis-à-vis is contemplated,
or, rather, tête-à-tête.
Fleur de lis aristocracy
towards the Star and Saint-Denis.
Bourgeois people in La Villete.
Frauleins and children. And a miss
next to a statue of King Louis
in a garden. Voyons, Pierrette,
you come donc ici; ne you are pas bête!
Rue de la Paix. Claridge Hotel.
Book stand. Hachette house.
Layers of petit-gray skin.
And in the "Casino" a vedette
much older than the country,
whom people call «Mis-
tinguette ».

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