
What Is Hope ? Let Us Know About Hope - Love Quotes Blog

Hope Is Something Fundamental For The Human Being

What Is Hope ? Let Us Know About Hope - Love Quotes Blog

Hope is something fundamental for the human being, something that even influences the immune system, as was demonstrated and perfectly related in the wonderful book Man seeks the meaning of Viktor Frankl.

However, there are people who confuse hope with waiting for something good to happen. Hope generates a sense of expectation that should drive us to action, not to passive waiting, but to the movement towards what we want to achieve. Hope generates illusion and confidence, but thought never substitutes for action.

What brings us and takes us from where we are to where we want to go is not what we think, but what we do. Of course, with a correct thought that plays in our favor it will be much easier.

Therefore, hope and positive expectations must go hand in hand with goals that guide us in the right direction. On the other hand, they must be combined with small short-term objectives that help us turn those goals into realities.

The goals help our brain and it helps us when we have clear and well defined goals. The reason? Because that activates the SAR or Reticular Activation System, which we could say is like a GPS that helps us focus and head towards our goals.

We cannot achieve an objective that we do not have, therefore the first thing is to define what we want to achieve and set small goals that will lead us to it. There are many people who plan their vacations incredibly ... Well, that's what we have to do the rest of the year.


Wonderful reflection of Anthony Robbins. And it is because regardless of the area of ​​your life in which you set short-term objectives, the good thing is that it has a domino effect in other areas:

▸ Improve your discipline, the feeling of control and direction of your life.

▸ Improve your future prospects and increase your confidence.

▸ Improve your energy level and focus.

▸ Improve your thinking, your attitude and your behavior.

► How To Have Hope By Setting Goals?
The first step of a goal is to focus on a goal that we really want to achieve, that motivates us, that its achievement means moving towards the results we seek and we are excited. And the clarity of the objective is fundamental:

◆ 1 ◆ The goal must be very specific and specific. It must be written clearly, simply and well defined. If we add to that why I want to achieve that goal and why I want to do it, we will be building the tool that generates motivation (defining the reasons for taking action.)

◆ 2 ◆ For when? A goal without a date is not a goal, it is a wish: date it. There has to be a clear way to measure the success of the objective. When will you achieve your goal? Deadlines, date, amount. Define and be specific.

◆ 3 ◆ Credible: if I set a huge goal I can see it so far and unattainable that instead of motivating me it demotivates me because I don't believe it. The goal must be a challenge, but achievable, a challenge that motivates us and takes us out of the comfort zone. That is why it is better to divide each objective into small steps, small more attainable goals, to reach the final objective.

◆ 4 ◆ Flexibility: dreams in cement, goals in sand, because we will have to change and re-adapt the plans many times. The world, life, the environment and circumstances change, there are many things we have no control over and we will have to readjust, re-plan and readjust the map.

► Key questions to ask yourself

We can lose our way, make mistakes and fall, we all do it, but we can always get up and start over.

Key questions:

 What is your most important objective?

When do you want to reach it?

What are your priorities now? Focus

What do you want to change or improve?

In what aspects do you have to improve?

Do not wait, take action, everything is in you, but always living the present.

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