
100 Beautiful And Inspiring Phrases That Will Never Die in Time - Love Quotes Blog

100 Beautiful And Inspiring Phrases That Will Never Die in Time - Love Quotes Blog

beautiful and inspiring phrases of life
After the publication of my books, without a doubt, some of its fragments have become inspirational messages that I wanted to collect in this article. In it, you will find beautiful phrases of life written by me and, of course, by great authors (some anonymous) that will always remain in our hearts and minds. And if you especially like love phrases or life lesson phrases, you also have a fairly broad compilation.

And of course: they are all yours. Share them with the world because the power of words is gigantic.


1. We don't lack the courage to undertake certain things because they are difficult, but they are difficult because we lack the courage to undertake them. (Seneca)

2. The mind has no limits, except those limitations that we impose ourselves.

3. There are no great men who make great achievements, but normal people who make a firm decision and pursue and realize great dreams.

4. Everyone thinks of changing humanity, but almost no one changes himself. (Anthony de Mello).

5. Keep in mind that the results of your future depend on the decisions and actions you take today. (Several Authors)

6. Do not be angry because you can not get others to be as you would like, if even you can not be as you want.

7. Man rarely regrets what he has done, but on many occasions he regrets what he has stopped doing and has not even tried (Several Authors)

8. The human spirit is full of stories of overcoming, incredible moments in which the best of himself has flourished from the most catastrophic situations

9. Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet gives off on the heel of the one who steps on it (Mark Twain)

10. What you collect now is what you sowed in the past; and what you are sowing today is what you will collect in the future.

2. Pretty short phrases

11. Life is not about finding oneself. Life tries to create itself. (George Bernard Shaw)

12. The future is full of opportunities for those who adapt to the changes.

13. The nobility is doing good by nature.

14. Only with the heart can one see well; The essential is invisible to the eyes. (Antoine de Saint Exusperry)

15. Don't worry about eliminating fears, take care to find the reason to face them.

16. If we do not overcome our fears, we will pass our fears to our children. (Bruce Lee)

17. I have committed the worst sin one can commit. I have not been happy (Jorge Luis Borges)

18. Do not become what you fear, become what you dream.

19. Don't count the things you do. Do the things that count. (Zig Ziglar)

20. Not being loved is a simple misadventure. The true fatality is to not know how to love. (Albert Camus)

3. Pretty phrases of love
21. Perfect people are not real, and real people are not perfect.

22. The world moves by emotions, not logic. It is emotions that contain the power, commitment and determination that lead us to reach our destiny.

23. Having a good and noble heart in a difficult world is not a recklessness, but a sign of courage.

24. Love yourself and be your best friend, because it is with whom you will spend the rest of your life.

25. In life not everyone is replaceable, be careful to hurt, leave your mark not scars.

26. Be careful to fall in love with someone who believes love is hard work. If it doesn't flow, maybe it isn't.

27. Someone you have not met may be wondering what a life with you would be like.

28. Do not choose the most beautiful person, but who makes your life more beautiful.

29. I trust the universe to bring the right people and circumstances to my life at the right time.

30. Someone said: If I could give you a wish, it would be that you were able to see yourself as I see you, because then you would realize how special you are. (Anonymous)

4. Phrases of life
31. Instead of being a successful person, seek to be a person of value. The rest will come naturally. (Einstein)

32. Change is inevitable. Progress is optional. (Anthony Robbins)

33. Beware of the ego; He is able to get involved in the most absurd discussions, because he has the urgent need to always be right.

34. If you don't make decisions, someone will make them for you; If you don't have a plan, the world will have a plan for you. Take decisions!

35. If you only read books that everyone reads, you can only think what everyone is thinking. (Haruki Murakami)

36. Yes, I know, I know it is not easy, but precisely to say that it is not easy is a way to justify and perpetuate immobility, so ... Give yourself a chance!

37. The present is not the future, nor does your past determine your future; although your faith in the future conditions your present.

38. Remember that it is up to you to decide that this is not how the story will end. (Love Quotes)

39. Do not confuse your path with destiny; that you are going through a storm does not mean that you are not going to a sunny future. (Love Quotes)

40. Happiness cannot be earned, it is not a property. It is the spiritual experience of every minute life with love, grace and gratitude. (Denis Waitley)

5. Inspirational phrases
41. The biggest prize for achieving your dreams will not be to have achieved them, but the kind of person you have become to achieve them. (Love Quotes)

42. Many things seem impossible until a dreamer proves otherwise. When mental barriers are broken down, the improbable begins to be possible. (Love Quotes)

43. External forces are not what determines our destiny, but the decisions we make and maintain within ourselves, despite the circumstances. (Anonymous)

44. Courage is to recognize that something is difficult, that you may not get it and yet dare to try.

45. Dreams do not determine how far we will go, but they generate enough energy to get us out of where we are. (Love Quotes)

46. ​​Remember that you were not born to be perfect, you were born to be real. (Love Quotes)

47. Not everything we face can be changed, but nothing can change until we face it. (Love Quotes)

48. Be careful with dream thieves; The world always tries to steal our attention from what is really important.

49. Forgiveness is a gift that heals, is a gift, and is the best we can give ourselves.

50. Things are not said, they are done, because in doing so they say themselves. (Woody Allen)

100 Beautiful And Inspiring Phrases That Will Never Die in Time  more beautiful phrases (Bonus)

51. If you want to progress, you have to use fears as the greatest motivator, not as the excuse; use them as the reason to take action. (Love Quotes)

52. A man with a new idea is crazy until the idea succeeds. (Mark Twain)

53. Life is not about finding oneself, but about creating oneself. (George Bernad Shaw)

54. Simplicity is a form of humility, a sign of greatness; and that kindness is the sign of true inner strength.

55. Not even your worst enemy can harm you as much as your own thoughts. (Buddha)

56. Strong are those who help others when they need help, those who cry behind a door and fight battles that nobody knows. (Love Quotes)

57. Being happy does not mean having no problems or negative thoughts, but preventing problems and those thoughts from controlling your life. (Love Quotes)

58. If I'm wrong because I don't know, don't laugh at me, teach me. (Love Qoutes)

59. A good conversation with the right person, at the right time, can change the direction of a life and thus its destiny. (Love Quotes)

60. Be the change you want to see in the world. (Gandhi)

61. Do not pretend to be a copy or an imitation, be yourself, respect yourself, fly high with the wings of dignity.

62. The past is a place of reference, not a place of residence; The past is a place of learning, not a place of life. (Roy T. Bennett)

63. It is not the circumstances that determine our future, but the ability to reconquer our mental state in the face of adversity.

64. Music is the sound of unexpressed thoughts. (Dan Groat)

65. Some of us will never know that we have owned someone's heart for a while. (Joyce Rachelle)

66. Fear of failure anticipates and causes failure, but if you are brave and prepared to fail, then you can succeed.

67. Do not judge every day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you sow. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

68. We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but lower or reach the level of our preparation.

69. If you are in a relationship in which someone manipulates you or you can manipulate, neither respect you nor will you respect him. Open the door, fly and let fly.

70. Sometimes we get entangled with a lot of urgencies and small problems so as not to face the big ones.

71. Hard times do not create heroes. It is during difficult times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed. (Bob Riley)

72. If you think you can, you've already done half the way. (T Roosevelt)

73. Strength is not born of great physical capacity, but of an indomitable will. (Gandhi)

74. Don't let the fears that fly over your mind intimidate you. Trust your heart's dreams to fly.

75. I honestly think that it is better to be a failure in something you love than to be a success in something you hate. (George Burns)

76. If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. (Katharine Hepburn)

77. I knew that if I failed I would not regret it, but I knew that the only thing I could regret was not trying. (Jeff Bezos)

78. We know who we are, but we don't know who we can become. (William Shakespeare)

79. Without knowing it, success and recognition is the cruel method by which many people today compare themselves, judge themselves fiercely and measure their own value.

80. At the end of the day it is not about what you have or even what you have achieved… It is about who you have raised, who you have improved, how you have contributed. (Denzel Washington)

81. If you take risks and face your destiny with dignity, there is nothing you can do that makes you small; If you don't take risks, there's nothing you can do that makes you great, nothing. (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

82. Every new challenge you face in your life will require a new and better you.

83. I don't want to go to heaven. None of my friends are there. (Oscar Wilde)

84. A bad attitude is like a flat tire: you can't go far until you change it.

85. You can only be young for a while, but being immature can last a lifetime.

86. It is better to have and not need, than to need and not have. (Franz Kafka)

87. I focused so much on what I wanted, that I lost sight of what I already had.

88. My father used to say: don't raise your voice, improve your argument.

89. The wise speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. (Plato)

90. A man who fears suffering is already suffering for what he fears. (Michel de Montaigne)

91. Don't take your life too seriously. You will never get out of this alive. (Elbert Hubbard)

92. Failure is the seasoning that gives success its flavor. (Truman Capote)

93. Your life is your story. Don't worry if you have to rewrite it a bit. (Richard Brandson)

94. One of the best things you can do is rest, instead of giving up. (Richard Brandson)

95. Never assume that the screams come from the strength and silence of fragility. Many times it is just the opposite.

96. You don't learn anything from life if you think you're always right.

97. Be nice to people on your way to the top because you will find them on the way down.

98. The problem is that many are admired for how they appear to be, and are ignored or repudiated when they show how they really are.

99. If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present. (Lao Tzu)

100. If you focus on pain, what is wrong, you continue to suffer. If you make a reflection and focus on learning, turn it into a lesson of overcoming.

By the way, it is possible that the Japanese legend of the Red Thread of Destiny would like to meet you. Posts to share all these beautiful phrases of life, why not know popular stories that survive despite the centuries?

And finally, a final reflection. When you have seen it,? leave me in the comments area what do you think and / or what beautiful phrase of life or inspirational phrase would you like to add?

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