
Super roman love phrases for him - Love Quote Blog

Super romanic love phrases for him

Love phrases Love is the most precious thing on the planet. If you are lucky enough to love and have the love of a great man, then look for these love quotes for him and find the perfect message to share with him. Love quotes This collection of quotes includes some touching and deep thoughts about the love that They surely warm your heart.

"A flower cannot bloom without sunlight, and man cannot live without love." - Max Muller
Although a man's body can live without love, there is a peace within him that would simply wither away without giving love or receiving anything. Just as a flower dries and dies without the sun, so also Phrases of love makes the heart of a man without love.

"It seems that I have loved you in innumerable ways, innumerable times, in life after life, in age after age forever." - Rabindranath Tagore

Do you feel that way about the man you love? What is there a link that has connected you for all eternity? If so, this is a beautiful date to share with him. You may feel that you have loved him before in times and distant places.

“Being your friend was everything I always wanted; Being your lover was everything I always dreamed of. ”- Valerie Lombardo
If you were friends with the man you love before becoming a lover, chances are you can relate to this date. Many times a great love is forged from the bonds of friendship. Make sure that no matter how long they have been together, they also remain friends.

"My love for you has no depth, its limits are constantly expanding." - Christina White

When we allow ourselves, we can love so deeply that we never see the bottom of this. Their love could have changed and expanded over time as both have changed, but the fact is that the love they share has no end if they both don't want it to end.

"If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to tell you that I love you." - DeAnna Anderson
Most likely, you will tell him that you love him with your last breath. While we hope you don't breathe soon, be sure to incorporate this appointment by living every day as if it were the last chance you have to tell him that you love him.

“You are always the first and the last in this heart of mine. No matter where I go, or what I do, I am thinking of you. ”- Dierks Bentley
This type of love is long lasting and strong. It's like soft background music when you're at work or sleeping, and then it's there to appear when you want to dive into it. Let him know that you bring thoughts and feelings to him every day.

"I don't want to close my eyes, I don't want to fall asleep, because I would miss you baby and I don't want to miss anything." - Aerosmith
One of the best love quotes for him can be shared with a song. Do you feel that you cannot be far from him and you are not interested in sleeping because you prefer to spend every minute with him? If the answer is yes, then listen to this song and dance slowly with your love.

"My love for you is beyond the mind, beyond my heart and within my soul." - Boris Kodjoe
This is another quote that speaks of loving him beyond the limits of his human body and his human life. A little love feels so old and so familiar that it changes our entire existence on this Earth. You know beyond the words that you love him, mind, body and soul.

"Every day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow." - Rosemonde Gerard
Have you ever felt that your love grows every day for him? Share this date with him and let him know that with each passing day, his heart becomes more filled with him and he will continue to do so until the end of time. Appreciate the knowledge that you will love him much more tomorrow.

"In short, I will separate myself from everything for you, but you." - Mary Wortley Montagu
He may feel that he would give up anything for the love of his life, but if he asked him to leave him, it would be the only thing he would refuse to do. Let him know that he is the most precious person in your life.

"You are nothing less than my everything." - Ralph Block
When you're so in love and full of each other, it's easy to feel that he is your everything. It probably occupies every square centimeter of your heart and something else. The next time you question your love or are having a difficult day, let him know that he is your everything.

"My heart is and always will be yours." - Jane Austen
When you finally opened your heart and gave it to him, you made a spoken or perhaps unspoken statement that it was now his. He cares for him and appreciates him so much that he declares it every day that your heart is his forever.

"Your love shines in my heart like the sun that shines on the earth." - Eleanor Di Guillo
Do you feel brighter and happier when he is near? Just as the sun warms the earth and provides nutrients to its inhabitants, their love warms your heart and nourishes the being more. Be sure to reflect that sunlight so that you also illuminate their world.

“Love understands love; He doesn't need to talk. ”- Francis Havergal
Love is a subtle and often silent power that does not need to be rationalized, spoken or inspected. Love begins as a feeling and grows from there. The next time you have an argument, stop and just hug it so that your love understands your love beyond words.

"Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside." - Margaret Walker
Love is the great expander. At first, your heart deals with heat and then it becomes a raging fire that extends throughout your being and stretches you inside. It can make you feel bigger, braver and happier than ever. Appreciate that feeling.

"Love gives life to whatever is dead around us." - Franz Rosenzweig
It is probably the best part of your good days and bad days. However, on your bad days, his love for you wakes you up and refreshes you. With love, we can give life to things that have been dead within us. Love nourishes

"In your smile I see something more beautiful than the stars." - Beth Revis
When you look at the stars and see them shine so brightly, you probably have feelings of wonder. Your lover's smile is another one of those beautiful views to invoke astonishment within you. Make him smile as much as you can see that you have a beautiful view every time you are with him.

"You are my heart, my life, all my existence." - Julie Kagawa
You love him so deeply; It's almost as if your love for him is what makes your heart beat and it's worth living. Let him know that it means a lot to you and reaffirm your love for him today.

"It was a million little things that, when you added them, meant we were supposed to be together ... and I knew it." - Tom Hanks, Sleepless In Seattle
It is often easy to ignore things that appear to be small coincidences, but chance often disguises itself as coincidence. When you look at all the little things that joined you and him, I'm sure you can see how they joined to support your union.

“The best love is the one that awakens the soul; that makes us reach more, which plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. ”- Nicholas Sparks
Love makes us feel safe since we know that our hearts are being taken care of. We are passionate and motivated to improve, be better and love better. Use this time to stretch, grow, learn and spread your wings. Feel your soul wake up.

Super love phrases for him 3

“I swear I couldn't love you more than I do now, and I know I will tomorrow” - Leo Christopher
Although sometimes it seems impossible, tomorrow you will love it even more. When it seems that his heart is stretched so much that he can no longer love him, the next day gives him more opportunities to love him much more deeply. The longer you are with him, the more you will get to love him.

"I'd rather spend a life with you, than face all ages of this world alone." - JKK Tolken (Lord of the Rings)
This is one of the most roman*ic quotes from a movie that you can probably identify with. No matter how much time they have spent together, they will most likely prefer to spend that time together than having lived all this life without it. Make sure he knows this.

“I saw that you were perfect, and then I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more “- Angelita Lim
When you met him, you probably put him on a pedestal and thought it was absolutely perfect. He is still perfect for you, but the more time you spend with him, the more you realize how human he is. And you love him even more for that because he loves you for how human you are.

“Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same” - Emily Brontë
Do you have a kind of love that feels almost like a twin? Do they think alike, speak alike and can finish each other's sentences? That kind of love can be easy and soft because having a lot in common makes life easier to live together. Twin souls that you are.

Super  love phrases for him Love Inspiration Quotes Poets

“There is always some madness in love. But there is always some reason in the madness. ” - Friedrich Nietzsche
Why do you think the phrase is "madly in love"? There is always madness in love, but under madness there are reasons for it and the most important reason is that your heart is full of it. It may seem to others as if you were crazy, but you are madly in love, that's all.

"Love is the friendship that has caught fire." - Ann Landers
Regardless of whether they were friends for a few days or a few years before connecting roman*ically, that company has helped sprout their romantic love. No matter how long they have been together, make sure you always remain friends and lovers. This will make your love much stronger.

"We always find ourselves with a smile, because the smile is the beginning of love." - Mother Teresa
This appointment works for anyone with whom you can be in touch, but be sure to greet your lover with a smile every time you see him. This prepares the energy and the stage for a more loving interaction. Not to mention that you probably think you're beautiful when you smile.

"The best to cling to life is the other." - Audrey Hepburn
That is very true. No matter what is happening in your life or what is happening around you, hugging will keep you comfortable, supported and sane. Make sure you don't take it for granted and hold it tight. Being there for each other in times of need.

"As soon as you light a fire with snow, as you seek to put out the fire of love with words." - Shakespeare
You can't put out a fire with snow, that's pretty obvious. But what Shakespeare was playing here is that you cannot speak to someone for love simply with your words. Love is a feeling that cannot be influenced by anyone but us and by the one we love.

"If you want to be loved, show more of your flaws than your virtues." - Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
Try this quote to see the size. We believe that being worthy of love means that we have to be virtuous and polished all the time, but that is simply false. Someone who really loves you will love you despite your shortcomings. So, if he loves you this way, be sure to thank him for it.

"Love is the wisdom of the fool and the madness of the wise." - Samuel Johnson
A fool feels infused with power and strength when he is in love; It makes him feel wiser and he knows everything. Although very wise, they find love as something that makes them feel silly and unstable. Love certainly has its way with us, doesn't it?

"He is more myself than me." - Emily Bronte
It's funny how it works that way sometimes. When they are together for a good amount of time, it is as if they begin to acquire each other's personality traits. Love in you recognizes love in him and you see yourself in him every day. It's nice to have someone else like you from time to time.

"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." - Ferdinand Foch
And love is what ignites a human soul. Loving you deeply and being deeply loved in return, as well as spreading love to everyone in your life are some of the most powerful things you can experience. If we could all spread this love, our world would be a more peaceful place.

“I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special. "- Jennifer Aniston
Being in love is like a drug, which makes us distracted, dizzy and nervous at the same time. But is it a wonderful feeling? Do you wake up in the morning knowing that you are deeply in love with him and knowing that he loves you too?

"The hunger for love is much harder to eliminate than the hunger for bread." - Mother Teresa
Being hungry for your love probably feels like hunger for real livelihood. You love him deeply and it may seem that if you go one day without being close to him, you will wilt and die. Let him know that he breathes life into you and grab it tightly.

“Love does not know distance; It has no continent; His eyes are for the stars. " - Gilbert Parker
It doesn't matter how far they are from each other, or how many borders exist between the two. The love they have for each other is as strong as if they were sitting next to each other. If you are separated, look at the stars and know that you can both see them.

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"The art of love is largely the art of persistence." - Albert Ellis
Being persistent in loving someone is a fairly accurate description. Love requires work. Often, when the honeymoon phase ends and you see the failures of your lover, in addition to dealing with the ups and downs of life, staying in love requires your persistence and dedication.

"There is no remedy for love but to love more." - Henry David Thoreau
Why would anyone want to cure love in the first place? The best remedy is to go out and love more people, as well as yourself and keep loving. Although many of us have been hurt in love, it is part of the risk. Continuing to love only allows you more opportunities for love in your life.

"If you find someone you love in your life, then stick with that love." - Princess Diana
Life can be very short, so if you have someone in your life that you love deeply, keep loving him and don't let him go. Love is precious and when we find it we must treat it as such. Do not take it for granted and always express gratitude for the love you have found.

"Love is the strongest of all passions, because it simultaneously attacks the head, heart and senses." - Lao Tzu
Love is such a powerful force. It takes us out of our comfort zones and fills our mind with the person we love, fills our hearts to the brim and all our senses are completely dispersed. But that is part of the journey of love.

"Touch seems to be as essential as sunlight." - Diane Ackerman
Some people prefer to be touched more than others, but the fact is that the human touch is comforting and healing. Regardless of your preference to touch, be sure to extend your lover's hand, hug him frequently and hug him when necessary. He will love you more for that.

Love Inspiration Quotes Poets Love heart

"I like not only to be loved, but also to be told that I am loved." - George Eliot
Being loved is a wonderful feeling, and we often assume that those we love know that we love them. Actually, hearing the words and being told that someone loves you helps close the deal and confirms what you already know. That can be very comforting. Tell him you love him right now.

"The first duty of love is to listen." - Paul Tillich
Love often means reading between the lines and seeing beyond the masks. True love listens carefully to the other. Listen to the pain to help relieve it. Listen with joy to celebrate with her. Listen to love to be able to return it.

"We can only learn to love by loving." - Iris Murdoch
As with anything, we must get involved and practice it to really learn it. If you love him but you are new to love, then be patient with yourself. The best way to learn is to love him in every way he knows and in any new way he can learn.

"There can be no deep disappointment where there is no deep love." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Loving someone means resting with your heart. When you love deeply, you run the risk of being deeply disappointed. But that is the process of love. It may hurt from time to time, but the benefits far outweigh the risks. You may be afraid to give your heart to him, but it is worth it.

"Love is a more formidable force than any other." -Barbara de Angelis
Love is so incredibly strong that it can give mothers the strength to lift a car to save their child. It can give you the strength to overcome the worst moments. Love is all encompassing and stronger than any of us give it credit.

"Love is not just something you feel, it is something you do." - David Wilkerson
Although you may feel love, loving someone is really about how you appear and what you do for them. Love takes action and awareness. So, if you have neglected it recently, be sure to do something to show how much you love it. Actions often speak louder than words.

"When we are in love, we seem quite different from what we were before." - Blaise Pascal
Love definitely changes people. It can make us think and act in ways we never imagined we would. Love can give us life and heal the broken parts of us. Take a look to see how much you have grown in love and let love make you a better version of yourself.

"For small creatures like us, immensity is bearable only through love." - Carl Sagan
The universe is quite vast and the earth itself is very large. In the great scheme of things, we are small points in time and space. Being surrounded by such immensity and complexity of life is much easier to deal with when we love and are loved in return.

"A part of goodness consists in loving people more than they deserve." - Joseph Joubert
It is unfortunate, but it is also true that those we love often receive the worst parts of us sometimes. Being very kind in love means that we tolerate and love people more than they deserve. But we all deserve love. Even if he's being an idiot today, love him anyway.

"If you want to be loved, be kind." - Ovid
This is a very good date. If we want people to love us, we need two to make sure there are parts of us that are adorable. Bitterness, anger and criticism do not encourage love. Be the kind of person that is easy to love. When you are, you find a love that is worth having in another.

"Love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

The beauty that exists between you probably floured and friendship and then exploded in love. It is a beautiful process for the eyes. Be sure to always see his beauty, keep cultivating a friendship with him and continue loving him every day.

"The inner reality of love can only be recognized by love." - Hans Urs von Balthasar
Most of us do not even understand the reality of love. We just feel it and we know it's there. But the truth of love recognizes the truth of love in others. It is a tacit recognition that unites two people and it is what surprises us when we least expect it.

"Love is the energy of life." Robert Browning
Life could exist without love, but it would be a bit empty, don't you think? Love infuses us with energy and emotion, passion and desire. Love awakens the deepest and darkest parts of our souls. Love is giving life, nurturing and comforting. Delight yourself with love!

"The ear is the avenue of the heart." - Voltaire
Use your ear to reach your heart. Be sure to express the love you feel for him in words. Tell him everything you appreciate about him and whisper sweet words. It can be difficult to express in words the way you feel, but it can be extremely powerful.

"Stolen kisses are always the sweetest." - Leigh Hunt
Have you ever stolen a kiss when you least expect it? Maybe he stole one at an inappropriate time that left you blushing. They are sweet, fast and completely unexpected. Stealing kisses can be a lot of fun, so be sure to steal one today.

"Love can be selfless, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless." Mortimer Adler
Love is extremely selfless. It allows you to take care of it and give it things. It does not come from the fact that he has no sense of himself, but has expanded his vision of love and is sharing it for pure joy and disinterest.

"The most important function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being." - Tom Robbins
You love him and he loves you. You both love each other so deeply that neither of you could be replaced. It is nice to feel that you are so special to someone and that it is incredibly valuable to you. That is a precious thing, so be sure to treat it as such.

"Love is the reward of love." John dryden
By loving others, we give ourselves more opportunities to be loved in return. That is the reward of love. The more we love, the more we recover. What we get comes back to us. That is why love is so powerful, because it worsens and builds upon itself.

"The degree of love is measured by the degree of giving." - Edwin Louis Cole
You can't love authentically if you don't give. When you love someone deeply, it is easy to give yourself without thinking twice. Take a moment and think about how much you give to the man you love and see if you can give it even more.

"More than kisses, letters mix souls." - John Donne
At present, the quote could read instead, "emails mix soles." Words and declarations of love are intertwined in their hearts. So be sure to send love letters as much as you can to continue declaring your love. Pick them up and tie a red ribbon around just for fun.

"Love does not possess nor will be possessed, because love is enough to love." - Khalil Gibran
Love is not something that belongs to us, and it is not something that belongs to us. You may feel that way from time to time, but love simply is. Immerse yourself in him, trust him and enjoy him. Do not try to tame it or claim ownership, just enjoy it.

"Love is metaphysical gravity." - R. Buckminster Fuller
Although it may seem that your head is in the clouds when you are close to it, love gives you some gravity. It allows you to sink into the deepest parts of yourself as you discover the love within you as you share it with others. Let me punish you and satisfy you.

“To love is to admire with the heart; to admire is to love with the mind. " - Theophile Gautier
You can do both in love. True love means that your heart is admiring the love within them, and admiring it means that you also love it with your mind. Let's not forget your soul. You probably love him completely in mind, body and soul, right?

"Love always occurs where it is not required." - EM Forster
Love may not be necessary in certain circumstances, but love simply improves things. It makes things softer and more compassionate. It may not require you to make your lunches, but as you love it, you do it anyway. Love is simply delivered without worrying about whether it is necessary or not.

"There is no limit to the power of love." - John Morton
Here is another quote about the power of love. Love is deep and the well has no bottom. Love has transformed lives over time and has saved people on the verge of destruction. Don't underestimate the power that exists in your love for him.

“All love changes and changes. I don't know if you can be in love with all your heart all the time. ”- Julie Andrews
It is possible to love someone through all boats and changes, but because things always fluctuate, it can be difficult to feel in love all the time. This is normal and does not mean you don't love it. When the ups and downs of life arrive, trust that you love him, even if you don't like him right now.

“Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow you. Don't walk behind me, I can't lead. “- George Sand
When it comes to love and relationships, the best are couples who walk together. They walk together as equals traveling and creating their life together. The balance of love and power can be changed by joining as a team. Wouldn't you rather walk together than with one of you behind?

"The richest love is the one who submits to the arbitration of time." - Lawrence Durrell
Through time and all the positive and negative experiences involved, it can be difficult to stay afloat when life becomes challenging, but hold on to your love as a flotation device and eventually the storms will pass. Let time take your love to the years to come.

"On your knees, and thank God, fasting, for the love of a good man." - Euripides
Be sure to express a lot of gratitude for the love you have in your life. Being grateful for all the little things about him and all the things he does for you gives you the opportunity to cultivate even more love between the two.

"The pains of love will be much sweeter than all other pleasures." - John Dryden
Love is a wonderful and exciting experience, but even so it can often make the heart ache. But that pain feels sweeter than all the other joys of life. It may sound strange, but it's true. Love makes us long for more time together and farewell is a sweet shame.

"Love, having no geography, knows no borders." - Truman Capote
Love cannot be contained within borders. It goes where it feels. His love with him could have made his way through all his excuses and limits and gone straight to his heart. Love doesn't care about your reasons, it just comes to you anyway.

“I believe in the convincing power of love. I do not get it. I think it is the most fragrant flower of all this thorny existence. “- Theodore Dreiser
Love is something that is really hard to understand, although it feels deeply. The power of love is undeniable. It is a joy, a light, a comfort, and it is very healing. Let your love for him be something that infuses you both with vitality and joy.

"Love is the word used to label the s***al arousal of young people, the habituation of the middle-aged and the mutual dependence of the old." - John Ciardi
It is amazing how all love changes over the years. We label it as words, but it really is a feeling that starts small and continues to grow the longer they are together. What stage of love are you in now? Enjoy wherever you both are in love.

"Happy people in love have an air of intensity." - Stendhal
Before falling in love with him, you probably looked at other people in love with an aerial disdain. Lovers can get under the skin of those who are not. But the moment you are inside, you realize exactly what it is and drag you like everyone else.

“Love is an energy that exists by itself. It is its own value. “- Thornton Wilder
Love exists with or without your participation. It is valuable in itself. The energy of love is penetrating and deep. If he has allowed him to consume his heart, then he is lucky. Go and let him know how valuable it is in your life.

"Love is a game in which two can play and both win." - Eva Gabor
Love brings an air of fun and childish joy. It allows you to play games in a way that is attractive to the heart and healing for both. You can provoke, tickle, hug and laugh and both win. There are no losers when love is underway and the game is underway.

"Love is space and time measured by the heart." - Marcel Proust
When we love, our hearts make sense even for the most complicated theories. When you are deeply in love, it seems that you can measure space and time simply by loving your heart. That is a pretty powerful feeling. Love in the heart is timeless and precious. Love itself is immeasurable.

“Love is the best gift that God has given us. It's free ". - Taraji P. Henson
Love is such a wonderful gift that it is surprising that we do not have to pay it. They have given us tender hearts with compassion and vulnerability. Loving can sometimes be a little scary, but it makes life much more worth it, don't you think? What would this world be without love?

"Faith makes everything possible ... love makes everything easy." - Dwight L. Moody
If you have both faith and love, then you have an advantage. Love gives you the strength you need to do things you didn't think you could do. It allows you to flow easily with things due to the magic of love. Relieves wounds and puts a spring in the passage.

“There is no formula or method. You learn to love by loving, paying attention and doing what you discover to do. ”- Aldous Huxley
If there were a formula and a method to love, many of us would be using it for our benefit. But there is no instruction manual on the best ways to love. We should simply practice love by being attentive and using our actions to express our love for others.

“Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You're everything to me. ”- Sarah Bernhardt
Is he the sun for your land? Is he your daily livelihood? When you are truly in love, you can feel that your lover has the keys to your own existence. If he is so important to you, make sure he knows.

"Lovers' disputes are the renewal of love." - Jean Racine
Making peace is the best part, isn't it? It is not fun to argue with your lover, but when everything is said and done and it is water under the bridge, both are stronger for that. Their love is renewed and both have grown together much more.

"Love is a friendship set to music." - Joseph Campbell
It is impossible to be in love with someone without friendship being part of the equation. Love takes your friendship and creates something beautiful and artistic. Be sure to always cultivate the friendship between you two. Make it a priority and see how your relationship grows even more because of that.

"Falling in love is simply uncorking the imagination and bottling common sense." - Helen Rowland
If you are in the process of falling in love with him at this time, repress his common sense and simply throw it away. We can often allow our common sense to speak to us for love when that love is what we need.

"Love is the power to see similarities in the different." - Theodor Adorno
Perhaps this is what is happening when we say that opposites attract. Even if you and he are completely different, there must be enough similarities between you for love to exist in the first place. Celebrate your differences and join in your similarities.

"Love heals people, both those who give it and those who receive it." - Karl A. Menninger
Let love heal you. Let it touch the scars of your heart and relieve the memories in your mind. Let the new love refresh and revitalize your life. Love is transformative. You and your lover have probably already healed parts simply by sharing your love.

"Love is nothing more than the discovery of ourselves in others, and delight in recognition." - Alexander Smith
Because you love him, you probably saw yourself in him and he is happy to recognize parts of him within you. It is these parts of you in him and he in you that cultivate love between you. Their differences can be celebrated along with their similarities.

“Love is a sacred reserve of energy; It is like the blood of spiritual evolution. “- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
In the darkest days and in the worst moments, take advantage of your love reserve and let it give you the strength and strength you need. Love is so powerful that you simply need to use it to help you live and grow. It is stronger than you think.
"We love because it is the only true adventure." - Nikki Giovanni
You can climb the Andes mountains or navigate the Nile River, but love is the adventure of your life. The reason for this is because risking the vulnerability of your heart is sometimes quite scary. But once you have, and once you receive love in return, it is the greatest of adventures.

"Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination." - Voltaire
What is your love canvas like? Nature gives us this canvas to play and our imagination is what paints a picture. We can create what we want from him. What have you created with your love? Healing? Funny? Emotion? A feeling of belonging?

"Love is being stupid together." - Paul Valery
Only he can understand your silly and silly side, just as you understand his. Being in love means that both can be stupid, and who cares if it is? Love tends to stir our brains, but at least the two are mixed. Enjoy it!

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