How To Be Positive - The 7 Keys That Have Helped Me Most In Life - Love Quotes Blog
Life is easier when we have a better attitude or when you insist on being positive. In fact, we have all been able to verify it at some point. Who has not had one of those days where everything looks black and the next day (or even in hours) feels capable of seeing everything with more light and optimism?
Sometimes our moods change radically and from one day to another, and that allows us to see the present, our life and our future with very different filters. These changing moods condition everything in our life: our attitude, our behavior, our decisions, our levels of optimism and creativity ... In short, they condition a large part of our results and our destiny.
For that reason, it is key to know how to better manage these mental and emotional states in order to be positive. So here are seven keys to get it:
1. Be more grateful. Every time we see more information influencing the importance of gratitude. Why? Because gratitude makes us more aware of what we do have and helps us to value and appreciate things more. Too many times we don't do it because we take them for granted.
People who have not gone through difficult times, or those who have been given everything, believe they are entitled to everything. When we are not grateful, nothing will ever be enough and we will always live with the feeling of scarcity.
On the opposite side are the most grateful people, with an attitude of appreciation, appreciation and gratitude. All of them get numerous benefits because it is proven that they are happier, more optimistic and in better health. The reason? Precisely because they are able to value small things more.
You will be thankful for being grateful ...
2- Behave with confidence. Even if you don't have it, act, talk and behave as if you had great confidence, as if you couldn't fail. If you force yourself to act that way (automatically), your own attitude will improve and your mood as well. That way, and despite the circumstances, you can always better control your attitude and help you be more positive.
3- Stop comparing yourself to others. We could say that our brain has a curious measurement system to make our existence bitter and that system is the comparison. Stop comparing yourself because it is a great way to lose out: there will always be someone else ... the list is endless.
The comparison is only a generator of stress and anxiety. The only comparison, or rather the only measuring or valuation system, is what you have to do with yourself. Not to criticize you, or judge you, but to prove that you continue to learn, grow, improve as a person and be better than you were.
Remember that you are not here to be perfect, or to impress or prove anything to anyone. So if you want to be positive, change the comparison for acceptance and gratitude.
4- Go back to the present. One of the favorite sports of our mind is wandering, time travel imagining sometimes negative moments and generating a horrible fear of the future. So come back, do not go, do not get lost at another time or place and return to the present, to reality, to the here and now that is where you can do and change things. The only thing you have in mind and be careful that life does not escape waiting for you to live.
5- Focus on what is up to you. If you want to be more positive, recover and have more confidence, you have to focus on the things that are under your control, on what you can do, on what depends on you. The best way is to clearly define your goals, not to procrastinate and make the great effort not to mislead yourself, not to let the environment divert you from what depends on you. It fulfills small tasks that reinforce that sense of direction, that it is you who is in charge. That generates more positive mental states.
6- Sport. Without energy there is no life. Playing sports is vital because it is not only a matter of staying well physically, but it has innumerable benefits in our health, in our mind, and in our attitude.
Our demanding lifestyle today requires high levels of energy and without it we feel exhausted. Of course, that also directly affects our attitude and level of optimism.
7- Feed and educate your mind.
A more optimistic and more positive mind requires healthier habits regarding the information we digest, since the quality of our emotions depends on the quality of our thoughts.
What does the quality of our thoughts depend on? Among many other factors, there is what we turn our attention to, our inner language (the power of words), the close environment (beware of toxic people) and, above all, the quality of the information we receive.
It is for this reason that educating oneself, reading good books, listening to good and inspiring conferences, taking courses, continuing to learn and feeding our mind is a fundamental factor. Personal development is one of the great needs of the human being.
The world advances, changes and we cannot stop changing, learning and growing to keep ourselves updated; to continue increasing our potential, to be better able to adapt to change. All that personal evolution is what also helps you to be positive and have a better vision of the future.
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